Visual Artist / Painter

‌I visualize my sufferings in a particular place. The pain I have here is related to my illness. I've been suffering from epilepsy, or cerebral palsy, for more than half of my life. This is a present progressive form, and as the word "electrode" literally means, lightning strikes in my head at an unexpected time. As a result, I have chosen this disease and light, which has had the strongest influence on my identity, as the subject of my work. I visualize the screen by putting ideas derived from the creepy light I've been facing into my work.

My painting tells the story of a soul traveling through the boundary of life and death. The screens I have formed are about the colorful lights that surround my surroundings and the world, and they represent the soul and life I have seen from my perspective. Among the subjects of the painting, artificial lights such as light bulbs and neon signs are meaningful media that make me feel simple comfort and empathy with trauma. These artifacts, which appeared to give convenience and light to human life, seemed to visualize brain waves in my head, as well as to show me that life is, if not alive. That is why light and electric wires and filaments of different temperatures are used in the work.

The work that began from the light that my brain cells produced gradually leads to the realization of a spiritual place. Thus, the currents and lights that I empathize with and communicate further cement the boundaries between life and death in my inner world. My artworks are showing the component of our spirituality. And I would like to visualize the sensible liveness of the spirit. The questions about the realization of live spirits will lead me to the place which is small and humble but very warm and hopeful.

My soul through my art. This is to make sure that my soul is still alive through painting, and to remind me of the preciousness of life.

유년 시절부터 뇌전증으로 인한 고통을 겪으며,
뇌의 전기적 신호와 파동에 깊은 관심을 갖게 되었다.
이 경험은 뉴런과 전구를 통해 생명력을 재해석하는 과정으로 이어졌고,
모든 의식의 명암이 서로 연결되어 있다는 철학적 깨달음에 도달하게 했다.
나의 탐구는 인간 내면의 세계를 '우주'라는 광활한 캔버스에 투영하는
시각적 작업으로 확장되었다.
이 과정에서 예술은 내면을 성찰하고, 삶의 본질을 탐구하는 명상이 된다.
내 작업은 그 끝없는 여정이며, 나는 찰나의 순간들이 담고 있는 감정과 진리를 마주해,
그 안에 깃든 찬란함과 유한함을 포착하여 그림 속에 영원히 보존하려 한다.
이로써 빛과 어둠, 삶과 죽음, 그리고 시간의 연속성은
나의 작품 세계관 속에 여과되어, 깨달음의 공간으로 재탄생한다.